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Increase your website speed using .htaccess rules

Aajay Bharadwaj Avatar

Reviewed By Aajay Bharadwaj

Updated On October 10, 2018

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Many people believe that they should have a fast website right ? It’s very important to speed up your website so that you don’t loose the users.Because a fast website is definitely a necessity in today’s world, the successful websites go well beyond a fast user experience . There are a few basic optimization tips that everyone can benefit from, such as CSS and JavaScript compression, HTML minification and CSS sprites, but do you know that there are also some server side settings that you can gives you to get a little speed boost . With the help of .htaccess file, it allows you to introduce new rules for basic site optimization such as mod_gzip , deflate, Expires headers etc. So let’s look at some rules to speed up your website using this .htaccessfile .

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