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5 Best SEO Websites for Checking Google Keyword Rankings

Aajay Bharadwaj Avatar

Reviewed By Aajay Bharadwaj

Updated On January 30, 2019

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SEO is an essential thing for every individual internet blogger. Choosing a best keyword, making them rank & track the keyword position in search. Search engine rankings serve as the measure of your blog’s performance.

So, how do you determine if you are performing well in the search engines? While some may be thinking that they will spend lots of money to know their ranking, it is such a relief to know that this can be achieved without having to invest time for it.

It’s important to pick the right keywords when you first create a new website. After all, you’re not just using keywords in blog post or page content, you’re using them in slugs, tags, and meta descriptions.

So, if you don’t choose the right ones the first time around, you’ll have to revise later in order to communicate to search engines and visitors what your site is actually talking about. This is why an SEO tool is helpful.

SEO tools generally focus on the quality of your content as a whole. That’s what makes plugins like SmartCrawl essential to the content creation process when building WordPress sites. However, when you’re trying to assess the quality of the keywords you’ve chosen, you need an SEO tool that’s more specialized, as well as one that will help you determine later on–once your site has been running for awhile–where the site sits in search rankings.

In this case, you’ll need an SEO tool that checks Google keyword rankings.

What is Keyword Tracking

The keyword Tracking shows your sites position in context to a given keyword in a particular search engine.

Well, Defining the right keywords in content makes easy for search engines to display your article on the top results when people search for it. As we all know keywords are used by people on search engines (Google)to find information online.

Why Keywords Really Matter in On-Page SEO

Content quality is important, obviously, but none of that matters if the keywords you’ve focused your pages and posts around just don’t work. Perhaps it’s because the phrasing doesn’t align with what visitors are typing into search. Maybe you’ve chosen a term that’s too popular and is near impossible to rank for unless you’re running a major retail site like Amazon. Or maybe the keyword just doesn’t appear enough on your site to make an impact.

Here is how your initial selection of keywords, integration of them into your WordPress website, and review of them down the road should go:

  • Step 1: Research and select your keywords.
  • Step 2: Analyze them with your Google keyword research tool.
  • Step 3: Optimize your content, metadata, and images with those keywords.
  • Step 4: Create internal links using them.
  • Step 5: Publish your WordPress site.
  • Step 6: Build backlinks to your site using those keywords.
  • Step 7: Re-review your keywords using the Google keyword rankings tool to see how your chosen keywords fare in search as well as when stacked up against the competition.

Best 5 Websites to check keyword rankings Accurately.




4.Google Rank Checker

5.SERP’s Keyword Rank checker


SEMrush is one of the best keyword tracking tools. To use SEMrush is as easy as pasting your blog’s link, or individual page link, in SEMrush search bar. And this simple act will give you an entire domain overview of what keywords you rank for, your organic search progress, paid search progress, etc. You can also choose to see what keywords your competitors rank for, along with their entire domain overview.

Other than keyword search, SEMrush also offers backlink analysis, site audit, on-page SEO checker, brand monitoring, etc.

Why Use SEMrush?

  • Fit For SEO Strategies
  • PPC Centric
  • Helps You Grow Organically
  • Overview of Keywords, Traffic, Backlinks, and more…
  • Optimum Competitor Analysis
  • Helps in Measuring the ‘Gap’
  • Real-time Rank Tracking
  • Focuses on Building Opportunities


Semrush is the best choice, but if I ever have to replace it with anything else, then Another best option is Ahrefs.

Ahrefs is a well-known tool primarily used for checking backlinks, but what most SEOs forget to take into consideration is that it is capable of so much more. With their massive data index, Ahrefs is definitely one of the most sought-after SaaS tools out in the market. Tools such as this helped eradicate the days wherein Google gets played by unethical, black hat SEO tactics.  They helped the industry turn for the better, and SEO has never been simpler. With the tools such as Ahrefs being available in the market, it became simple for us to get better at what we do.

With this tool, you do get quick access to your current rankings like above one. Also,  It automatically detects what keyword your website is ranking for & you can specify ranking based on country.

Ahrefs helps you to find following points.

  • Check Current Rankings.
  • Detects Website Ranking Keyword.
  • Check the level of competition for your target keywords.
  • Track your backlinks.


SERPWatcher is a rank tracking tool built with a focus on effectivity and ease of use. Rank tracking is no longer only about keyword positions tracking with daily updates. That’s why the tool offers many useful features for tracking the overall progress:

  • Dominance Index
  • Estimated visits
  • Desktop/mobile segmentation
  • Interactive shared reports
  • Scheduled email reports and alerts
  • Localized results
  • Top rankers and outrankers
  • Keyword position flow
  • Keyword position distribution
  • Integration with KWFinder and SERPChecker

You can also track:

  • 200 keywords in the Basic plan
  • 700 keywords in the Premium pan
  • 1500 keywords in the Agency plan

You can split the keywords into an unlimited number of domains. In case you use the free plan, you’ll get access to interactive SERPWatcher DEMO trackings where you’re able to test all the features.

4.Google Rank Checker

People are running for free tool first, So here it is Google Rank Checker. It is a freeonline tool for tracking keyword positioning.

Note* This tool does not check Bing – just Google.

With this excellent tool, All you need to do is enter your target keyword phrase and the domain name of your website.

You then select the region and press submit. Within seconds, you will know the search engine rankings for the keyword you entered.

5.SERP’s Keyword Rank Checker

SERP’s is also the best tool for keyword rank check that easily checks all your Google keyword rankings. And this one is also free like Google Rank Checker.(it’s completely free.)

After entering the URL, this tool shows you the top 250 search results. Among the Keyword Rank, It also gives you information about search volumeCPC etc to know how your keywords are performing on Google.

Good luck! 🙂 keep tracking all that information which is extremely important in order to boost your search traffic with these 5 Websites for Google Keyword Rankings.

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