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15 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Today

Aajay Bharadwaj Avatar

Reviewed By Aajay Bharadwaj

Updated On October 6, 2018

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Every day many things occur around us. Some are good, and some are wrong. Blogging offers us an opportunity of sharing our thoughts entirely. In addition, it is a good way showing your creativity to the world. You can write whatever you think, and blogs have a much better impact than social networking posts. You can encourage people for good things, show them a right way of doing something and raise your voice against something bad taking place in the world. Here are some impressive reasons why you should start a blog today.

1. To help others:

helping-others It is true that many people search for the solutions of their problems. Some people want to know health tips, some search for better career options and some love to read about new technologies. You can address those readers through your blogs. There are many attractive topics to choose from. Pick your favorite one and start writing. If your ideas are good and helpful, you will get many readers for your blog and thus you can help others. It is a way of helping others because your offered solutions and ideas can provide readers with better ideas and helpful solutions.

2. To improve your writing ability:

improving-writing-ability Practice makes man perfect; it is a renowned quote, and it is true. Probably you may think that you are not a good writer, but you should write. In starting you may get failed in tempting a large number of readers, but you will get some readers for sure. You can improve your writing skills with regular blogging and become a great writer. You will get better ways of presenting your thoughts in the blogs and articles if you continue blogging. That’s what many bloggers did and today they are succeeded in this field.

3. To face new challenges:

facing-challenges Some people think that blogging is easy and just a hobby, it is not true. Blogging is quite challenging, especially if you have never done it before. You need to think very deeply before you write for any topic. You also need to think about its impact on readers. Today’s world needs bloggers, who can help in making this world a better place to live. It is all about choosing words carefully and set them in the form of a blog to send a right message. You can take it as a challenge and challenges are good for life.

4. To make some money:

Blogging is not only done to help the readers for their needs but also done to earn good money. Probably, you may know that there are many writers and bloggers, who make hundreds of dollars weekly by their blogs. You can be one of them if you get a large number of readers. It is quite easy to start a blog on any blogging platform and make it live. You can write on hot topics and let people read your blogs. It will fill your account with bucks, which will encourage you to write more on new things.

5. To know more about the world:

connecting-people Whenever you write on a new topic, you need to learn new things before writing. You may plan to write on new technology or the cure of any disease or any other thing. You will have to read about that thing to understand what it is and then turn those details into your words. That’s how you increase your knowledge about a new thing. A blogger is not only a good writer but also a good reader who learns something new about the world every day.

6. To be a better thinker:

better thinker

Blogging makes you a better thinker. Whenever you write about a social issue or health problem, you try to put your words in a more meaningful way. It means you try to represent your thoughts in a way that it can address the targeted readers. It seeks good thinking, and that’s what people do as a blogger. You try to get more details on the topics you write so that you can decide what you should add to your blog and what should you avoid to write in the blog.

7. To promote yourself as an expert:

expert-blogger Whenever we read something online, we read it like we are taking some good ideas or suggestions from an expert. Other people also think in the same way. So when you become a blogger, you become an expert of things which you write for the readers. People consider you as an expert and follow you on the social platform. Blogging is an easy way of becoming a famous personality and gets some followers with earning good money. Thus, you can sit at home and share your thoughts as an expert.

8. To work at home:

work-from-home Don’t you think it is an excellent idea to work at home? For sure, you will say yes. Every person wants to spend some good time with family, and that’s what you can do as a regular blogger. You get some clients online, who will ask you to write on particular topics. You will get the freedom to write anytime you want and work at home. It is a good way of earning impressive amount at home. Whether you are at the home or on vacation, you can write anywhere and make good money through blogging.

9. To live a healthy life:

bloggers-healthy-life You may think that there is no connection between blogging and healthy life, but it is. As mentioned at an earlier point, blogging offers you an opportunity of working at home. Thus, you get more time to do exercise, eat on time and meet your friends. These things help us in living a good life. You will not sleep late on the nights plus you will get enough time to enjoy vacations on your favorite holiday spots. These things bring satisfaction from the life, and that’s what lead to a healthy life.

10. To get connected with new people:

social-media-followers Every blogging platform offers comment section below the blog. It is up to you that you want to get comments from your readers or not. If you want to see people’s response about your blogs, allow them to comment. You may find some good and some bad comments on the blogs. Thus, you can reply to their comments and get connected with your readers in a much better way. People may or may not appreciate your responses, but they will start knowing you. That’s what blogging does for the bloggers. Make them famous among readers and promote them on social platforms.

11. To inspire people:

inspire others Certain situations come in life when people lose hope and get depressed. These conditions may occur because of a significant loss in business, bad breakup or because of losing someone special. Blogging offers you an opportunity to become an inspiration for such people. You can write about how to handle big business losses and get back to the market with full power. You can also write on dealing with social life issues like how to recover from a bad breakup. There are a lot of issues, which you can pick to write and help others by inspiring them for a better life.

12. To reduce stress:


People become good thinkers when they are in stress. You may or may not agree with it, but it is a fact. You think quite deeply and see life in a different way. People take medications and try many ways to reduce their stress, but blogging is a very simple way of reducing stress. Write on things, which are depressing you. Write about how bad things can be and how to overcome from bad situations. People need ideas to move on and get back to life, and you can help other stressed people by writing on such issues.

13. To endorse useful things:

online-reviews Ever since the online shopping has become a trend, people search for what they should buy and what they should not buy. You can become an online shopping expert by suggesting people about good things. You can write new blogs on newly launched products like smart phones, laptops, medicines and all other things people buy online. People regularly read bloggers, which endorse useful things. You can be one of those people, who fairly support useful products and prevent people from buying faulty things. Thus, the manufacturers will contact you to promote their products, and they will pay you a good price for it.

14. For better success of your business:

blogging for better success Whether you are running a small company or a large organization, your business must have a blog to exhort the prospects. Many buyers want to know more about the retailers and manufacturers. You can take the support of online ads and promotions, but these advertisements contain quite small content about the product. A blog can be a great way of explaining every new product you launch or sell. Thus, you will not need the support of other writers and promoters to promote your business, and you can get better leads consequently.

15. To get a large number of followers on social network:

connecting-people Social networking has become one of the most fundamental needs of people in this age. Billions of users are using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can gain a large number of followers on these social networking platforms if start blogging. Even you can promote your blogs on social networking sites for free and get more readers. A large number of followers mean a large number of readers, which in turn increase your revenue from the blog.

  • Check How to setup your first Blog ! 


Blogging brings many new things to the life with a good chance of making good money. Writing can become your hobby and a way of sharing your thoughts with others. Starting a blog is quite easy, but it takes an expert’s mind to promote it and draw the attention of readers. Online promotion can help you, but you should be active on social networking platform to gain more readers. Thus, you will get readers for your blog, and then you can sort out many issues of their life through your blogs. People love reading and blogs are free to visit and read. You can make it a source of expressing what you think and that will be valuable for your readers.


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